EU4 初学者教程


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2.1 interface 界面

2.1.1 Ducats


Ducats are one of the primary resources and used to pay for everything from unit recruitment to building constructions.


2.1.2 Manpower


Manpower is an important resource that puts a limit on how many soldiers your nation can have.
The Manpower cap represents 10 years of Manpower.
Recruiting a regiment will cost 1000 Manpower per regiment.
Reinforcing armies that have taken casualties in war will also drain your Manpower.

人力上限代表 10 年的人力(?)。
每招募一个军团都将花费 1000 人力。

2.1.3 Stability


Stability represents how stable your nation is.
Stability is connected to Unrest, Tax Income, Global Trade Power and more.
Stability can be increased in the Stability and Expansion tab and costs Administrative Power.
Stability can be lost through random events, breaking truces, changing State Religion or having your Ruler die in combat.

稳定度可以在 "稳定度和扩张面板" 花费行政点数增加。
稳定度会因随机事件、打破休战状态、改变国家宗教或 Ruler 死于冲突而降低。

2.1.4. Corruption


Corruption represents the level of corruption in your nation.
Corruption is connected to Unrest, Spy Network Construction, Power Costs and more.
Corruption increases over time due to unbalanced research, Overextension and lack of Religious Unity.
It can be decreased by high Stability and being ahead of time in Administrative orDiplomatic technology.


2.1.5 Prestige


Prestige is gained by winning battles, wars or through random events.
Prestige gives your troops increased Morale, Legitimacy and Better Relationships over time.


2.1.6 Legitimacy & Rep.Trad


Only monarchies are affected by Legitimacy, and it represents how legitimate the rule of your Monarch is considered.
Legitimacy affects Unrest, Religion Tolerance and Diplomatic Reputation.


Only republics are affected by Republican Tradition and it primarily reduces Nation Unrest.
Republican Tradition is lost by keeping a ruler for several terms and is gained slowly every year.
Low Republican Tradition is associated with an increased Stability Cost.

只有 republic 才会受到共和传统点数的影响,它主要减少 nation 的动荡程度。
如果一个 ruler 在了很多年,那么共和传统点数就会减少,并且每年都会增长很慢。

2.1.7 Power Projection


Power Projection is a value that reflects how good your nation is at flexing its muscle.
By selecting Rivals and by taking aggressive action against them, your Power Projection can increase.
Having Power Projection can give you bonuses to your country.
Privateering, winning wars, embargoing and support rebels are example actions that increase your Power Projection.

私掠、赢得战争、禁运以及支持 rebels 都会增加力量投射点数。

2.1.8 Envoys


Envoys are characters you use to perform different tasks.
Merchants are used to collect income from trade and steer trade.
Colonists are used to found new colonies.
Diplomats are used to perform Diplomatic Actions.
Missionaries are used to convert the religion of a province.

Envoys will return when they have finished performing their tasks.



2.1.9 Monarch Points


You have three resources which combined are called Monarch Points. These are Administrative Power, Diplomatic Power, Military Power.
You gain Monarch Points each month, and the amount depends on your Ruler's and your advisor's skill.


2.2 Mapmodes 地图模式

Mapmodes are a tool to help you better get information about the world you play in. The default mapmode is Terrain Mapmode.

地图模式是一个帮助你更好的了解世界信息的工具,默认的地图模式是 地形地图模式

2.2.1 Political Mapmode


The Political Mapmode will color all the provinces in different colors, one for each nation. The Political Mapmode can make it easier to see borders and where a nation has provinces around the world.


2.2.2 Trade Mapmode


The Trade Mapmode shows you which provinces belong to what Trade Zone. In addition, and it also shows you where trade flows, and it is here you order your merchants to steer trade in a certain direction. You will learn more about trade steer later.


2.2.3 Imperial Mapmode


The Imperial Mapmode shows which provinces belong to the Holy Roman Empire. Green provinces are imperial provinces, orange are the Electors, blue are the Free Cities and purple is the Emperor. You may notice that one of your provinces (Brescia) belong to the empire, while you as Venice, do not.


2.2.4 Religious Mapmode


The Religious Mapmode shows you the spread of religion around the world. This will make it easy to see which provinces are not of your state religion and where you might find friends or foes.


2.2.5 Diplomatic Mapmode

The Diplomatic Mapmode gives you information about where your cores are, who your allies are and where your enemies are. The green stripes show you your core provinces that you do not own. Clicking on a province belonging to another nation will update the Diplomatic Mapmode with that nation's information.



2.3 Trade 贸易

Trade is an important part of Europa Universalis IV. The world is divided up in different Trade Nodes with each having a different number of provinces in them. Provinces produce different trade goods and the Trade Value of those goods is transported to their respective Trade Nodes. Trade Nodes are visible on the map as either floating buoys or cities, and they have light blue stripes connecting each other.

贸易是 EU4 的重要组成部分。世界被划分为不同的贸易节点,每个贸易节点都有不同数量的省份。各省生产不同的贸易商品,这些商品的贸易价值被运输到各自的贸易节点。贸易节点在地图上以浮动浮标或城市的形式可见,并且它们具有彼此连接的浅蓝色条纹。

A good portion of the Trade Power in a Trade Node comes from provinces and can be improved by building trade buildings. Certain provinces are Centers of Trade or they have a River Estuary. Both of these give a bonus to Trade Power. Your capital province, Venezia, isan example ofa province that is a Center of Trade!


The Trade Value in a Trade Node comes from the provinces that trade there. You can either collect income from the Trade Value or steer the trade to the next Trade Node. Trade Power is a very important value that determines how much of the trade in a Trade Node you control. The more trade you control the more income you can collect or the more Trade Value you can transport forwards.


Your Merchants can perform two different actions in a Trade Node. "Collect from Trade" will collect income from trade. The amount of "Trade Power" you have compared to your competitors determines ducats you gain in "Trade Income".


The second action your Merchant can perform is "Transfer Trade Power". This will transfer Trade Value from one Trade Node to another. The amount of Trade Power you have compared to your competitors determines how much Trade Value is transferred.


The Trade Mapmode shows you where the different Trade Nodes are, which provinces belong to them and also how trade is steered. As you see here, you are now steering trade from Alexandria to Venice. Trade can only flow in the direction the arrows are pointing. Some Trade Nodes are so-called end-nodes, which means trade cannot be steered away from them. Venice and Genoa are two examples of end-nodes. Trade Power determines how much Trade Value is transferred from one Trade Node to another.


Trade Power directly affects how large portion of trade in a Trade Node you control. Trade Power comes from provinces and from Light Ships that are protecting trade. There are also Ideas and a Diplomatic Advisor that affect Global Trade Power.


Light ships can be ordered to Protect Trade. This means they will patrol the Trade Node and increase the amount of Trade Power you have in that node. Having your ships Protect Trade is very important for increasing trade income.


The easiest way of increasing your Trade Power is by building more Light Ships and having them Protect Trade. Barques that are Protecting Trade increase your Trade Power in that Trade Node by 3.

增加贸易力量最简单的方式就是建造更多的轻船,然后让它们去保护贸易。保护贸易的三桅帆船将你在该贸易节点的贸易力量提高 3 点。

Each Barque Protecting Trade in a Trade Node increases the Trade Power by 3. Higher level Light Ships have a higher Trade Power。

每个保护贸易的三桅帆船都鞥你增加 3 点贸易力量。更高等级的轻船将会增加更多的贸易力量。

This concludes the end of the Trade chapter of the tutorial. Hopefully you have gained a better grasp of how trade works in Europa Universalis IV.

本教程的交易章节到此结束。希望您能够更好地了解 EU4 中的贸易运作方式。

三、Spanish Empire 西班牙帝国

This part of the tutorial will go through the mechanics in a way that more accurately would mimic a real game. You will learn about declaring war, annexing countries and how to manage conquered lands. You will also learn about events, stability rebels and exploration.


Army recruitment is an important aspect of going to war. Recruitment progress takes place in a province, but can be started in two ways. Either through the Production Interface in the top-left or by clicking the Recruit Regiment button in a province. Each regiment costs 1000 Manpower.

军队招募是走向战争的一个重要方面。招募进程在一个省内进行,但可以通过两种方式开始。一种是左上角的生产界面,另一种是点击省内的“招募团”按钮。每个团花费 1000 人力和金币。

When you Declare War on a target you want to have a Casus Belli on them. If you do not have a Casus Belli, or justification for war, you will suffer negative effects from declaring war on them.


The War Overview window gives you an overview of how the war is going, who the belligerents are and who is the war leader of each side. Battles and sieges are listed in the bottom.


The results of the war will be recorded and are presented as War Score. War Score is gained by occupying enemy provinces and by winning land or naval battles. If an enemy occupies your provinces or defeats you in battle, you will instead lose War Score. War Score decides what can be demanded in a Peace Offer.



Each time a siege phase happens a die (1 to 14) is rolled. That roll is then added together with the siege modifiers(-3). On a natural roll of 1, the attackers will suffer a Disease Outbreak that reduces their numbers by 5% of their maximum strength.

每次攻城阶段发生时,都会滚动一个骰子(1 到 14)。然后将该掷骰与攻城修正值 (-3) 一起添加。当 roll 点为 1 时,攻击者将遭受疾病爆发,使他们的人数减少最大力量的 5%。

Each siege phase the attacker has a chance to breach the walls. Breaching the walls gives a +3 bonus to siege roll. Artillery increases the likelihood of achieving a breach, and obsolete forts are easier to breach.

每次攻城阶段,进攻者都有一次机会突破城墙。突破城墙能给 siege roll +3。火炮增加了攻破城墙的可能性,而陈旧的堡垒更容易攻破。



  1. 围城进度加成
  2. 围城将领加成
  3. 炮兵数量加成:炮兵数量小于 2k 时固定 +1,大于 2k 时加成值 = (炮兵数量 /1000/ 敌方要塞等级)向下取整
  4. 港口未封锁减成:没有港口的城市此值为 0,有港口但未被封锁时此值为 -2,封锁之后就会变成 0
  5. 要塞等级减成:敌方要塞等级
  6. 城墙当前状态:掷骰掷出最大点数 14 时,城墙就会破裂,城墙破裂会提供 +3 的加成,并且会导致强攻难度下降


  1. 供应短缺:骰值 5 - 11,+1 围城进度加成
  2. 食物短缺:骰值 12 - 13,+2 围城进度加成
  3. 水源短缺:骰值 14 - 15,+3 围城进度加成
  4. 防守方:骰值 16 - 19,+2 围城进度加成
  5. 投降:骰值 20

举例:假设当前围城进度加成是 1,如果下次骰出水源短缺,则 +3,那么下下次掷骰时围城进度就能提供 4 点的加成。


最后,围城的最终目的就是通过各种方式增加我们掷骰的点数,使其达到 20 以上,触发第五个效果,Surrender = 开城投降,只要掷出 20 及以上一次,围城就胜利了。


The Ruler is very important for the development of your country. You have three resources which combined are called Monarch Points. These are Administrative Power, Diplomatic Power and Military Power. You gain Monarch Points each month, and the amount depends on your Monarch's skills and your advisors.


Advisors boost how many Monarch Points you gain each month. They cost gold to hire, and you also pay them salaries each month. Hiring a more expensive advisor will give you more monthly Monarch Points, but you will gain less gold each month.


At any one time your Realm can have up to 3 advisors to help shape your development. You currently have vacancies in your court fill them and take advantage of the skills advisors offer.

在任何时候,您的领域最多可以有 3 名顾问来帮助塑造您的发展。您当前的法庭有空缺,请填补这些空缺并利用顾问提供的技能。

Core provinces are provinces that your nation considers their home lands. It is important to make provinces into cores to avoid Overextension. A province that is not a core province has significantly reduced tax income and manpower. Having a claim on a recently conquered province will reduce the cost and time it takes to make it a core.


Maintaining Religious Unity is important for keeping your nation stable and rebel-free. To have Religious Unity you must convert provinces to your state religion. Converting the religion of a province requires a Missionary. Conversion progress can be improved by high Stability.


Buildings are an important part of improving your nation's economy and military strength. Most buildings can be built in all provinces, but they are limited by the number of building plots in a province. All buildings cost ducats to build.


Stability represents how stable your nation is. Stability is connected to Unrest, Tax Income, Global Trade Power andmore. Stability can be increased in the Stability and Expansion tab and costs Administrative Power.


Royal Marriages are a way to form a bond between your nation and another nation.


Having Royal Marriages increases your Legitimacy over time, but will give you a one-time reduction of Legitimacy that depends on the difference in Prestige and Legitimacy of the two countries. Having a Royal Marriage with another nation gives you a chance of merging your dynasties and possibly entering a Personal Union.


Decisions allow you to reform yournation in some way. If the requirements are fulfilled you can enact the Decisionand immediately gain the effects of theDecision. Some Decisions can be largeundertakings, such as forming Germanyor Italy.


Technology can be unlocked by spending Monarch Points. Technology is divided into three categories and each category is associated with one of the three Monarch Points.


Being ahead in Technology will give you a penalty to Technology costs. It is a good idea to plan Technology and Ideas so that the ones you want do not require the same Monarch Points. It is also good to plan in accordance with your Ruler's abilities.


The Monarch Point cost to acquire technologies is modified by the Institutions you have embraced. At the start of the game the only unlocked Institition is Feudalism, which starts out Embraced by all countries in Europe and most in Asia.


Every 50 years a new Institution is born in a province somewhere in the world, and it will then slowly spread to the rest of the world from that point.


In order to Embrace an Institution it needs to have spread to at least 10% of your provinces. Once a new Institution is born every country that has not yet Embraced it will get a slowly increasing penalty to Technology costs. What Institutions exist and how they have spread can be examined by clicking the Institutions button in the Technology tab.

为了施行一个机构,它需要传播到至少 10% 的省份。一旦新制度诞生,每个尚未接受它的国家都将受到技术成本缓慢增加的惩罚。单击“技术”选项卡中的“制度”按钮可以检查存在哪些制度以及它们如何传播。

Idea Groups can be chosen at specific intervals depending on your Administrative Technology. The technology you just researched unlocked your second Idea Group. Idea groups area way of specializing your country and to make it more unique and stronger at performing certain tasks.


Unlocking an Idea in an Idea Group costs 400 Monarch Points of either Administrative, Diplomatic or MilitaryPower. Which Monarch Points are used depends on the Idea Group. It is a good idea to choose an Idea Group that uses Monarch Points of the type you have plenty of.

解锁理念组中的理念需要 400 点行政、外交或军事力量点数。使用哪些国王点数取决于理念组。最好选择一个使用你拥有的大量国王点数的理念组。


Exploration and Colonization is an important part in Europa Universalis IV. Discovering new lands and founding new settlements is a relatively peaceful way of expanding your Empire.

探索与殖民是 EU4 的重要组成部分。发现新的土地和建立新的定居点是扩张帝国的相对和平的方式。

Uncharted lands are hidden by Terra Incognita. You will need an Explorer or a Conquistador in order to move into Terra Incognita. To recruit Explorers or Conquistadors you need to first have unlocked the Quest for the New World idea.


Explorers lead fleets while Conquistadors lead land armies. Your fleet is led by Christopher Columbus who is an Explorer.


Exploration can be dangerous because of attrition. Whenever your ships are at sea and too for away for supply ships to reach them, they will suffer attrition damage. In a normal game you would have to explore more slowly taking your ships back for repairs whenever necessary. For the tutorial, however, naval attrition is severely reduced.


Uncolonized land can be settled by sending a Colonist there. How far away you may found a colony depends on your Colonial Range. Uncolonized land can have a population of natives in them, which may be worth taking into account. Natives with high aggressiveness are more likely to attack your colony.


Colonies can be founded by nations that have access to Colonists. Colonists are primarily gained by the Exploration and Expansion Idea Groups. When a Colonistis sent to an uncolonized province he first has to travel there. Once he has arrived he will begin constructing a settlement.

能够使用殖民者的国家可以建立殖民地。殖民者主要通过探索和扩张理念组获得。当一名殖民者被派往一个未被殖民的省份时,他首先必须前往那里 一旦他到达,他将开始建造定居点。

Once settled, a colony will take sometime to grow before it becomes self-sufficient. The amount of new Settlers in the colony will increase each month, and it needs 1000 Settlers to become self-sufficient. Having a Colonist present will increase the growth of Settler population.

一旦定居下来,殖民地需要一段时间才能成长,然后才能自给自足。殖民地中新定居者的数量每个月都会增加,需要 1000 名定居者才能实现自给自足。有殖民者在场的话会增加定居者人口的增长。


take over 接管、接替
conquer 动词,占领
conquest 名词,征服
capture 捕获、抓住、攻克、占领
engage 从事、投入
be engaged in battle 处于战争中
amry、troops 军队
navy 海军
royal 皇室的、皇家的
load sb、sth into 装载
recruit 招募、录取、征募、征兵、吸收、收录
regiment 团、编成团、一群、一团
take place in 发生在
economic 经济的
military 军事、军队、军方
strategic 战略性的
mercenary 雇佣兵
infantry 步兵
cavalry 骑兵
artillery 炮兵
manpower 人力、人手、劳动力、兵源
over time 随着时间的推移
sufficient 充足的、足够的
reinforce 增援、接应、加强
coastal 沿海的、靠海的
heavy 重的、沉重的、笨重的、大的
light 轻的、轻便的
galley 厨房
ferry 摆渡、渡过
embark 登船
disembark 下船
improvement 改进、丰富
fort 堡垒、要塞、炮台
vital 必不可少的
strengthen 加强、强化、壮大
category 类别、分类
categorize 分类
plot 田地
barrack 兵营
religion 宗教
convert 转化、转变
cultural culture 文化
declare war 宣战
casus belli 交战的原因(希腊语)
justification 理由、道理
justify 合法化、证明合法、辩解
exhaustion 精疲力尽、虚脱、竭尽(名词)
war exhaustion 厌战度
diplomacy 外交
aggressive 挑衅的、侵略性的、气势汹汹的
at a war with a nation 在与一个国家处于战争状态
occupy 占领、占据
demand 要求、需求、索取
demand them in return for a peace 要求他们换取和平
stability 稳定、稳定性
suffer 遭受、蒙受(负面影响)
penalty 惩罚、罚款、刑罚
ally allies 同盟国、同盟者
allied 结盟的
alliance 联盟
rival 对手、竞争对手
engage their army 与他们的军队交战
casualty 伤亡
sue for peace 求和
sue for 起诉、控诉
army 军队(统称)
troop 部队,如 infantry troop 步兵部队
morale 士气、风气、风纪、情绪
shortage 短缺、不足(名词)
progress 名词发展,动词促进
full strength 全力
phase 阶段、时期
defender 捍卫者、防守方
tribute 贡品
certain 一定的、必然的、某些的
amount of xxx 的数量
treaty 条约
excel 动词,胜过,强过
negotiate 谈判、交涉
deal 交易、合同、合约
ducats 金币(非英语)
result in 导致
inflation 通货膨胀
prestige 声望、威望、威信
truce 休战
annex 吞并、兼并、附加(动词)
annexation 附属物,兼并的东西(名词)
incur 招致、招引、招惹
go through 通过、经过、经历、履行
represent 代表、意味着
drain 流走、排泄、外流、枯竭
unrest 动荡、动乱
combat 战斗、争斗
ruler 尺子、统治者、管理者
administrative 行政的
corruption 腐败、贪污、放荡
unity 联合、统一(名词)
spy 间谍、特务、奸细
legitimacy 合法性
legitimate 合法的(形态词),宣布合法(动词)
republic 共和、共和国
republican 共和党人、共和主义者、共和政体
tradition 传统
republican tradition 共和传统
monarch 君主、国王
monarchy 君主制
tolerance 宽容度、气度、气量、容忍度
reputation 名声、声誉
projection 投影
power projection 力量投射
muscle 肌肉
bonus 奖金、红利
embargoing 禁运
Privateer 私掠者
envoy 使者
merchant 商人、贸易商
steer 驾驶、开、引导
steer trade 引导贸易
colonist 殖民者
colony 殖民地
diplomat 外交官
missionary 传教士
advisor 顾问
terrain 地形、地势、疆域、疆土
empire 帝国
Emperor 皇帝
elector 选举人
The Elector 选帝候(意指拥有选举罗马人民的国王的权利的德意志诸侯)
imperial 帝国的、皇帝的
stripe 条纹
neutral 中性的、中立的
buoy 浮标、浮筒
portion 部分
estuary 河口,河道口
patrol 巡逻、镇守
barque 三桅帆船
hull 船体、船壳
hull size 船体尺寸
conclude 断定、得出结论
campaign 活动、运动、征战、风潮
accurate 准确的,精确的
aspect 方面、面貌、侧面、切面
take place in 发生、进行
fire 开火、开除(解雇)
belligerent 交战的双方(名词),交战的(形容词)
meneuver 演习(名词)、调用(动词)
artillery 炮兵、火炮
phase progress 阶段进展
bonus 奖金、红利、激励、加成
compare 比较、相比(除以)
blocked 被封锁的
breach 突破口、裂口、缺口(名词),冲破、缺开、决口(动词)
obsolete 陈旧的、过时的、废弃的
outbreak 爆发、发作
assault 突击、冲锋、进攻
garrison 驻军、守备(名词、动词)
attrition 消耗、摩擦
loot 抢劫、劫掠、搜刮(动词),赃物(名词)
prestige 声望
reconquest 夺回、重新占领
negotiate 谈判
behalf 代表
on behalf of 代表
ownership 所有权
penalty 惩罚
boost 促进、增加、抬高、鼓舞
vacancy 空缺、空闲
court 法庭
portrait 肖像、画像
claim 要求、声称、主张、认领、硬说
catholic 天主教,天主教的
autonomy 自治、自治权、独立
approximately 大约
church 教堂
marriage 婚姻、婚事
portugal 葡萄牙
dynasty 朝代、王朝
dynastic 王朝的
royal 皇家的、皇室的
inferior 劣势、低等、不及、逊、弱、卑、低
heir 继承人
form 组织、构建、形成、树立
reform 改革、改良、维新
decision 决定、决策
enact 颁布
undertaking 事业、工程
vassal 附庸、臣(名词),诸侯的、附庸的(形容词)
govern 治理
Renaissance Thought 文艺复兴思想
notion 概念、主张
institution 制度、学会、学院、机构
embrace 拥抱、怀抱、信奉、拥护
acquire 获得、取得、学到、发展
feudalism 封建、封建主义
colonialism 殖民主义
colony 殖民地、属地
colonial 移民(名词)
Renaissance 文艺复兴
Printing Press 印刷机
Global Trade 全球贸易
Manufactory 制造厂
Enlightenment 启示、教化
Industriallization 工业化
presence 存在、光临
presence in Spanish 在西班牙的风靡程度
specialize 主修、专攻、专业化、专门
take into account 考虑到、考虑在内
have access to 可使用
settler 定居者
settle 定居、安家落户
settlement 定居点、移民点、安置点
present 当前、现在、在场、介绍、代表、礼物
duchy,kingdom,empire 公国,王国,帝国
regency 摄政(名词)
inaugurate 就职
tariff 关税
truce 休战
provincial 省级的、地方的
separate 分开、隔离、分离、脱离
separatist 分裂主义者、独立派
uprising 起义、暴乱、反叛

版权声明:本站原创文章,由 狐耳阿霖 于2023-08-19发表,共计20668字。